Leaders are Readers

When You Find a Leader, You Find a Reader, and for Good Reason

As a general rule, clichés are to be avoided. The statement that leaders are readers is an exception to that rule. When you find a leader, you have found a reader. The reason for this is simple–there is no substitute for effective reading when it comes to developing and maintaining the intelligence necessary to lead…Leadership requires a constant flow of intelligence, ideas, and information. There is no way to gain the basics of leadership without reading.

Leading by conviction demands an even deeper commitment to reading and the mental disciplines that effective reading establishes. Why? Because convictions require continual mental activity. The leader is constantly analyzing, considering, defining, and confirming the convictions that will rule his leadership…

Leaders know that reading is essential, as it is the most important means of developing and deepening understanding. That is why leaders learn to set aside a significant amount of time for reading. We simply cannot lead without a constant flow of intellectual activity in our minds, and there is no substitute for reading when it comes to producing this flow.

Al Mohler, The Conviction to Lead (Bethany House, 2012)

About Calvary Seminary
The mission of Calvary Baptist Seminary as a professional, graduate-level school is to glorify God by preparing individuals for ministry as godly, servant-leaders of local churches worldwide through the combination of instruction in the Scriptures with theological education and training in ministry skills.

3 Responses to Leaders are Readers

  1. Benoit Guillot says:

    A reblogué ceci sur Blogue de Benoit Guillot and commented:
    Les leaders sont aussi des lecteurs… Ils lisent. Voilà une citation provenant du livre “The Conviction to Lead” de Al Mohler (Bethany House, 2012). La raison est bien simple. “Il n’existe aucun substitut autre que la lecture efficace lorsqu’il est question de développer et maintenir l’intelligence requise pour diriger” selon Mohler. Ceci est encore plus vrai lorsqu’il est nécessaire de diriger avec conviction, dit-il… C’est donc pour cette raison que les leaders réservent beaucoup de temps dans leur horaire souvent bien chargé pour lire.

    Je vous encourage à lire ce petit article du blogue de Calvary Baptist Seminary qui cite Al Mohler.

    Dans l’amour de Christ!

  2. SLIMJIM says:

    AMEN! There’s so much truth here…

  3. Pingback: Reading Leaders « aBowden Blog

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